Zoho Desk : Customizing Help Desk Layouts

Zoho Desk : Customizing Help Desk Layouts

Layouts control the organization of fields and related sections on the module page of a department. Each department can have its own layout that consists of both default and custom fields. They also determine which fields are visible, read-only, and required.
You can use layouts to customize the fields on the module pages like Tickets, Tasks, etc. Also, the drag-and-drop feature allows you to add new fields, remove unused fields and re-order fields as per your requirements.

  • Each department can have only one layout per module.
  • Department-specific layouts are available only on Professional and Enterprise.

You can perform the following customizations in a module's page layout:
  • Organize page details
  • Make fields mandatory
  • Add new sections
  • Add custom fields

Organize Page Details
The option to Organize Page details is available in each module and helps to change the order of the related list views. Additionally, you can show or hide some of the related fields as per your department's requirement using this feature.

To organize the page details:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Layouts and Fields under Customization.
  3. In the Layouts page, select the desired module and the department (when more than one exists) from the drop-down menu.
    Module refers to the Tickets, Tasks, Contacts, etc.
  4. Click Edit Layout at the bottom of the page to open the layout editor.
  5. In the Edit Layout page, drag and drop the fields from the [Module] layout list to the Unused Fields list and vice versa to show or hide the fields.
    Note: Certain fields are mandatory (read-only and standard fields) and cannot be removed from the page layout.
  6. In the [Module] Layout list, drag and drop the fields to change their order on the page as per your requirement.
  7. Click Save Layout.

Marking Fields as Required
You can mark fields as required or mandatory in Zoho Desk.
To mark fields as required:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Layouts and Fields under Customization.
  3. In the Layouts page, select the desired module and the department (when more than one exists) from the drop-down menu.
    Module refers to the Tickets, Tasks, Contacts, etc.
  4. Click Edit Layout at the bottom of the page to open the layout editor.

  5. Hover your mouse pointer over the field you wish to mark as required, click the Gear icon  ) and select the Mark as required checkbox.
    The field label is displayed in red to indicate that the field is required.
  6. Click Save Layout.

  • A field can be set as required only when Read and Write permissions are given to all the profiles with access to that field. You can set this permission under Setup >> Layout and Fields >> Field Permissions.

Adding Sections
A section is simply an area on a page layout, where we can group similar fields under an appropriate heading. This makes it easy for your users to quickly identify and enter the information for a record, especially if your record has a significant number of fields. By default, there are certain sections available in each of your modules.

To add a new section:
  1. Click the Setup icon  ) in the top bar.
  2. In the Setup Landing page, click Layouts and Fields under Customization.
  3. In the Layouts page, select the desired module and the department (when more than one exists) from the drop-down menu.
    Module refers to the Tickets, Tasks, Contacts, etc.
  4. Click Edit Layout at the bottom of the page to open the layout editor.

  5. From the Add Field Tray on the right, drag and drop +Add Section to include more sections for the module.
  6. Edit the name of the section, if required.
  7. Click Save Layout.
You can now drag a field into this section.

  • You can add/delete as many sections as you require. 
  • You must remove the read-only and mandatory fields in a section before you could delete it.

Adding Custom Fields
Zoho Desk lets you add custom fields in addition to the built-in fields. When you create a custom field, you configure where you want it to appear and optionally control security at the Profile level. To learn more about adding custom fields, click here.

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